
Monday, May 9, 2011

Management Is in Charge of Managing Excellent Deliverables

Business process kaizen requires editing best practices, including that of simple work. If an employee in charge of checking data entry work encounters a performance that he finds excellent, it's good to acknowledge this in the corporate portal.
In the below workflow, the leader decides which case to add as a "best practice," from the cases selected by checkers.

1. Register Image Data, 2. Accept & Schedule, 3. Text Data, 4. Check, 4b. Best Practice Selection, 5. Record in Work Log, 6. Answer Questions

[Efficiently-Digitizing < Best Practice >: "4b. Best Practice Selection" screen]

<Process Data Items>

  • Title (Summary of digitization job, e.g. "Dec 1990 Osaka district verdict")
<<Image data info>>

  • Original image created on (date)
  • Original image stored at (string)
  • Original image (file)
  • Notes (string: text box 2 lines)
  • Ignore? (Select: Image okay / Ignore and rescan image)
<<Text data info>>

  • Deadline (date)
  • Digitized text (string: text box 8 lines)
  • Digitized text doc (file)
  • Word count (numeric)

  • Check (Select: OK / NG)
  • Valuation (Select: Excellent / Normal)
  • Question from accounting (Select: No / Ask question to worker)
  • Correspondence (discussion)
If your company lacks excellent performance (ouch), task 4b (4b. Best Practice Selection) may happen infrequently. In the below workflow, the leader receives an automatic email whenever someone appraises something as "excellent."