
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Accounts Payable Management With Later Revison

About account payable, a lot of complicated requests will be heard.

  1. Want to know about payment before the bill comes in.
  2. Want to divide production cost from general cost.
Those requests will be heard sooner or later.

Today's workflow is a spin-off of yesterday's "Improving Your Accounts Payable Process in Steps."

0. Prediction, 1. Receive Invoice, 2. Approve Payment, 3. Inquiries, 4. Payment

[Accounts Payable Management - Predictive Management: "2. Approve Payment" screen]

<Process Data Items>
  • title ≪Payee and use (ex: Japan Printing/50000 leaflets)≫
<<Payment Information>>
  • Category (select: Material purchase / General cost)
  • Payment to (string)
  • Amount (numeric)
  • Ordered on (date)
  • Payment deadline (date)
  • Summary of invoice (string: text box 3 lines)
  • Scanned invoice (file)
  • Supervisor approval (select: OK / NG)
  • Correspondence (discussion)

In Workflow above, input prediction of payment amount and deadline into task '0. Prediction'. Doesn't matter if approximation or expectation. Input should be done whenever recognizing that payment will occur, like when you order materials or you get estimates. Accountancy can figure out future payment anytime.

In Workflow below, predictions of payment are managed by the team. (0. Prediction) To figure out annually budget, input payments and kept staying in "0. Prediction" and then revise the amount again and again. For exsample, if you begin considering exhibition, input predicted cost at that time then revise the amount after on.

Needless to say, Prediction must be input within budget or approved expenses.

0. Prediction, 1. Receive Invoice, 2. Approve Payment, 3. Inquiries, 4. Payment