
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Should Sales Staff Check Sent Invoices?

Invoice workflows and payment confirmation workflows should be checked by sales staff. This is particularly true in industries that involve relatively large units of payments, like consulting services and staff dispatching services.

Today let's work from the below workflow, from our previous article, "Transparency in the Billing Status, for Directors and Sales Staff."

1. Input Invoice Issuance Date (Month), 2. Confirm Invoice Data, 3. Check Invoice Content (7 days before sending), 4. Send Invoice, 5. Confirm Payment

[Invoice Issuance <Copy Data> : "1. Input Invoice Issuance Date (Month)" screen]

With the below workflow, each sales rep has to take a look at all invoices issued for the customer he/she is in charge of (Task 4. Review Invoice Content). This will probably be the point where organizational changes are informed.

1. Input Invoice Issuance Date (Month), 2. Confirm Invoice Data, 3. Check Invoice Content (7 days before sending), 4. Review Invoice Content, 5. Send Invoice, 6. Confirm Payment