
Saturday, April 2, 2011

Returning a Prompt Initial Response Is Crucial

When managing complaint management with a Cloud computing workflow system, customer service staff can handle complaints at any time, from anywhere. It becomes relatively easy for global companies to prepare a 24 hour strong system.

Today's workflow sample allows customer service to return a prompt initial response, then follow it up later with a more detailed and accurate response. The two responses can be handled by separate members or by the same member.


Tasks: 1. Confirm Complaint/Initial Response/Send On, 2. Second Response, 3. Approve/Revise/Return, 4. Handle Return, 5. Respond by Phone

[Complaint Management <Short-Cut>: "1. Confirm Complaint/Initial Response/Send On" screen]

If some of the complaints can be handled with the first simple response, or with the final telephone response, the below workflow may come in handy.

Tasks: 1. Confirm Complaint/Initial Response/Send On, 2. Second Response, 3. Approve/Revise/Return, 4. Handle Return, 5. Respond by Phone