
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Learning How To Design Workflow Diagram With "Translating Workflow"

Translate duties are suitable for telecommuting.
Duties given(Inputs) and done (Outputs) are clear, and easy to count Outputs.

Indeed, "Translation workflow" is taken as a theme of BPM activity in early days.
Start with simple workflow model, then improve it gradually into what it should be.

1.Register manuscript 2.Approval 3.Accept & Deadline 4. Ask Question / Complete 5.Answer Question 6.Confirmation

[Translate-Answering Question-Task split:"4.Questioning/Complete" screen]

<Process Data Items>
  • String: Original title
-Original manuscript-
  • String: Original title
  • File: Original file
  • String (Text Box multiple lines): Manuscript
  • Select: Priority [A/B/C/]
  • Date: Desirable finish date
  • Date: Due date
  • String: Translated title
  • File: Translation file
  • String (Text Box multiple lines): Translated manuscript
  • Select: Operating status [Questioning/Report complete]
  • Select: Inspection status [OK/Send back]
  • Discussion: Correspondence

In this workflow process, segmenting task "5.Answer Question" and "6.Confirmation" is not necessary for the structure of workflow.

So exactly the same thing goes in practical work without "5.Answer Question".
Yet, these segmenting provides advantages of
・Clear notification of questioning for offerer of the translation.
・Clear notification of under operation from translator to the offerer.

By the way, even though the Process Diagram below looks different from one above, they are the same process.

1.Register manuscript 2.Approval 3.Accept & Deadline 4. Ask Question / Complete 5.Answer Question 6.Confirmation