
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

HR Should Send Out Results Emails Speedily

Business flows related to hiring new university graduates can be low-tech. Rejection letters particularly require courteous handling, with respect to the feelings of students looking for their first job, so it is often time-consuming. Yet you also want to hurry with notifications to students you want to hire. This means there is always leeway in improving up internal workflows. (For example, you can always brush up the wording of rejection letters.

Reference: How to Manage Several Hundred Employment Applications at Once

0. Input Snail Mail info, 1. Application Review, 1a. Offer Letter, 1b. Rejection Letter, 2. First Interview, 2a. Offer Letter, 2b. Rejection Letter, 3. Second Interview, 3a. Offer Letter, 3b. Rejection Letter, 4. Final Interview, 4a. Offer Letter, 4b. Rejection Letter

[New Emplyee <Notice Email> : "4b.Rejection" screen]

<Process Data Items>
  • Title <Name of applicant>
<<Entry info>>
  • Name of applicant
  • Date of birth
  • Tel
  • Email
  • Address
  • Education
  • Reason for applying
  • Things I would like to work on at the company
  • Reference files
  • Application review (Pass / Not pass)
  • First interview (Pass / Not pass)
  • Second interview (Pass / Not pass)
  • Final interview (Pass / Not pass)
  • HR memo
<<Communication with applicant>>
  • Application review results email
  • First interview results email
  • Second interview results email
  • Final interview results email

In Questetra BPM Suite, anyone with Process Data and History Viewer authorization can see the workflow content in real-time, such as who sent in an application and who was sent a job offer, etc.

[New Emplyee <Notice Email> : "All Process" screen]