
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Building an SFA System INSIDE a BPM System

We stick to the principle of starting small and growing bigger, especially with BPM activities. Of course, the assumption is on growing bigger. This means once you get a grasp on the items and flow necessary in a business process, you'll want to increase the range to include up or downstream processes.

The below business model is a holistic "lead—negotiation—order" process that includes marketing and sales. It helps to visualize the status of internal projects. Enabling eternal loops in the middle of the process allows concerned parties to add detailed info on customer profiles. This is, in effect, a Sales Force Automation (SFA) system.

1. Input Lead Info, 2. 1st Contact, 3. Initial Proposal, 4. Proposals to Decision-Maker, 5. Final Negotiations

[Lead-Negotiation-Order Flow: "1. Input Lead Info" screen]

It's also important to control the flow with a bigger perspective. By the way, this process model is designed to automatically initiate estimate-creating processes and post-order tasks in separate processes.

<Process Data Items>
- Customer info -
  • Title (string) <Company name>
  • User company (string)
  • Department of buyer (string)
  • Name of buyer (string)
  • Phone # of buyer (string)
  • Email of buyer (string)
  • Area-code of buyer (string)
  • URL of buyer (string)
  • Address of buyer (string-multiple lines)
  • Department of contact person (string)
  • Name of contact person (string)
  • Phone number of contact person (string)
  • Email of contact person (string)
  • Other info on related parties (string)
  • Selling through partner? (Select: Direct sale / Through partner)
  • Billing company (string)
  • Department in billing company (string)
  • Name of billing company (string)
  • Phone # of billing company (string)
  • Email of billing company (string)
  • Area code of billing company (string)
  • URL of billing company (string)
  • Address of billing company (string-multiple lines)
- Contact info -
  • Ignore? (Select: Continue/Ignore : Only task 2)
  • First proposal progress (Select: First loop / First loop (quote) / Proposal to buyer / End : Only task 3)
  • Proposal to buyer progress (Select: Proposal to buyer loop / Proposal to buyer loop (quote) / To final proposal / To Initial proposal / End : Only task 4)
  • Final negotiation progress (Select:Final negotiation loop / Final negotiation loop (quote) / Report successful agreement / Report loss of order : Only task 5)
  • Sales staff (user)
  • Contact records (discussion)
- Order info -
  • Temporary quote (string-multiple lines)
  • Type of order (Select: SaaS BPM / SaaS CRM / Other)
  • Estimate and order data (file)
  • Number of user licences (numetric)
  • Discounts (numetric)
  • Order received on (date)
  • First invoice amount (numetric)
  • First invoice issued on (date) 
  • First payment (date)
  • Summary and cautionary points (string-multiple lines)

We'll add a sample with one less step for sales staff.

1. Input Lead Info, 2. 1st Contact, 3. Initial Proposal, 5. Final Negotiations