
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Employee Bereavement Leaves and Condolense Letters Come Hand in Hand

Work leave can be complicated. The necessary info and involved departments differ according to the type of leave, which could be paid leave, unpaid vacation, long-term sick leave, maternity leave, etc., etc. Sensitive events such as bereavement leave may occasion certain actions from the company. In any case, the first thing we want to do is eliminate unnecessary transactions.

This means using one common application form and making instructions as easy as possible to understand.

The timing of each task should differ even within the administrative office; HR will want to handle tasks at the time, but accounting only needs to take care of employee applications by the next payday. Weddings, funerals and births must be brought to the attention of general affairs, so that they can send congratulatory/condolence letters or provide administrative advice.

As an improvement, here's a workflow that allows supervisors to apply as proxy for a subordinate's work leave. This one is complicated, yet easy for employees to execute.

Sample Form